Guides for integrating features and content from ActionKit into Baseline websites.
Include a count of all the people who have taken action through an ActionKit page. Baseline looks for tags with a class of “ak-action-count” and then looks for ActionKit page shortname(s) in a “data-action-count-pages” attribute.
<span class="ak-action-count" data-action-count-pages="join"></span> have signed up at
people have signed up at
<span class="ak-action-count bg-dkgray text-highlight text-large text-font-secondary" data-action-count-pages="join break-free-fossil-fuels"></span> combined signers from pages "join" and "break-free-fossil-fuels".
combined signers from pages “join” and “break-free-fossil-fuels”.
You can embed an ActionKit event map with an iframe tag — here’s an example:
<iframe class="ak-event-map" src="¢er=55,-95&cluster_size=1"></iframe>
Note on source tracking: Baseline’s Javascript checks for iframes with a class of “ak-event-map” and then appends any value for “?source=” that it finds in the URL for the page.